Going into old age is not easy. The head is still there, but the body isn’t

November 21, 2016

“We are walking off our depression over the election. I can’t get out of it. Now the Breitbart guy is his advisor. We moved here from Pennsylvania. We were at Auburn for 27 years and then went to Kent State.”

“I was an agriculture professor and taught diseases of plants and their management. I have done work here at the agriculture experiment station.”

“My parents moved here in the late ’60s and I thought it was a great place for us to retire too. It is a wonderful place to live but it is hard being our age and starting over and making friends. The weather beats the snow and ice. I do photography now and it is a great place if you are an artist. I play music around town too. I was in a rock band before we moved down here. It is something I wanted to see if I could still do in my older age and I did it. I have been playing all of my life. It is harder to be in music in your mid-60’s. I am trying to learn how to bow out gracefully so I am moving into photography and have a booth at Southern Antiques and Accents. Old age is not easy. It letting go and changing and not having the same energy. The head is still there, but the body isn’t. It is the one thing you can’t avoid or change. I just hope we have enough money saved to get us through it.”


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