It’s amazing what a simple act of kindness can do. Just a hug or a cup of coffee can save a life

May 24, 2024

Nikki: “We met when I started a singles group twenty-seven years ago.  Martha showed up—we’ve been buddies ever since. My husband proposed to me at her house. She flew out to be with me when I had my first child. When I had leukemia, Martha walked a marathon in my honor.

Martha: “I had a picture of Nikki on my back in that marathon; she was bald and wearing bunny ears. I was limping along, cussing how hard it was. Then I thought. ‘Oh yeah, this is better than chemo’.”

Martha: “Free Mom Hugs is a national non-profit. It’s for allies to give hugs to people who don’t have a relationship with their families because of their sexuality.  We joined up.”

Nikki: “Everyone deserves to be loved. Humans are humans, and love is love. You shouldn’t have to choose between family and being true to yourself.”

Martha: “That’s a losing choice.”

Nikki: “It’s amazing what a simple act of kindness can do. Just a hug or a cup of coffee can save a life.”



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